
Jericho Summer. Night Train

фото Jericho Summer. Night Train

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На складе поставщика: есть
Формат: Audio CD
Тип упаковки: Jewel box
Исполнитель: Jericho Summer
Стиль: Рок
Жанр: Альбом
Дистрибьютор: Traum Baum
Лейбл: Cadiz,Devil'S Blade Records
Дата релиза: Unknown
Производство: Европа
Срок комплектации: Требует уточнения
EAN: 0040232436840
цена: 3 531р.


Курьером по Москве — 499р.
Курьером по Санкт-Петербургу — 599р.
Почтой по России — от 150р.
Почтой за пределы России — от 1200р.
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• Сроки комплектации до 14-ти рабочих дней - для товаров отгружаемых со складов в России.
• Сроки комплектации до 30-ти рабочих дней - для товаров отгружаемых со складов Европы, США, Японии.
• Сроки комплектации "Требует уточнения" - это значит, что на момент актуализации, товар числился на складе поставщика в ограниченном кол-ве

Если дата релиза товара еще не наступила, а в описании указано, что товар на складе - это значит, что поставщик готов принять предзаказ, с отгрузкой после даты официального релиза

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1.Night Train
2.100 Times Again
3.Bitchin with a Woman
4.Does It Matter
5.Lonely Town
6.Good One Comin on
7.Red Neck Cousin
8.No Regrets
9.Coming Home
10.Live for the Moment
11.Running Free

2016 release. Jericho Summer are southern country rock band formed by husband and wife duo Jay Zeffin and Vanessa Joy. In 2012 Jay was working with Izzy Stradlin, (of Guns N' Roses) where around the same time he met bass player Marco Mendoza (Whitesnake, Thin Lizzy and Blackstar Riders). Meeting Marco helped Jay find the inspiration, the ideas and the genre for the Jericho Summer material and with some material already produced several years ago he contacted his old producer at the Music Farm Studios where the couple had met and previously recorded. It was at this time Jay spoke with Marco, and invited him to play on the album. Marco really liked the material and agreed to come on board. Country guitarist and double Grammy winner Albert Lee had worked with Vanessa previously. Jay had already met Richard Fortus (Gun N' Roses and Nine In Nails) previously, so asked the both of them if they would contribute to the album. They agreed, so with Marco, Richard and Albert on board, the expectations and standards for the album were increasing as Jay wrote more and more original material. As well as Albert, Marco and Richard, the core musicians appearing on the album are Tom Tyson (bass,producer), Rodders Godders (guitar), Guy Lancaster (Hammond) and John Marcangelo (drums and piano). Further contributors to the album include drummer Brett Morgan and fiddle player Stuart Duncan. Jay & Vanessa spent months making edits and achieving the final mix they desired for the album. They selected the best guitar licks from Albert, Richard and Rodders, to produce this country rock, guitar dominant musical opus, the Night Train album. With the end result being a powerful and brilliantly executed debut album.

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